Friday, January 8, 2010

Treat Dry Hair What Would Be The Cheapest But Best Treatment To Treat Dry Hair?

What would be the cheapest but best treatment to treat dry hair? - treat dry hair

Dry hair every day since July and it makes my hair dry and cooked ... huhuhu please help.


KJ said...

Start with a spray against heat and not fry your hair protected.
Good conditioning is inexspensive line Neutrogena Triple Moisture ... works very well!

Mya said...

You do not want to hear it, but you have to cut your hair.

It seems that the hair should not be beyond repair and damaged hair is to be reduced. Sorry ...

If your hair is cut too short to jump, but more so, I definitely recommend getting cut. Then I recommend the treatment with hot olive oil.
Buy a little olive oil, food, heat for about thirty seconds in the microwave, towel dry hair, cover with a plastic lid and let stand for about 30 minutes then rinse and style as usual. If you do this regularly (maybe) every two weeks, you should see a noticeable difference. Also try to wash your hair less what it might be the problem too. Another thing to try and wearing a satin cap at night or sleep on a satin pillowcase ... it works very well.

Good luck with the treatment of your hair! :)

Rachel said...

Get a deep condtion for dry and damaged hair
Search this site sells shampoo
We also expect the hair-care course and find a few other things you want good Conditioning
try to find the brush a bit of hair

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