Saturday, January 9, 2010

Organic Fruit Trees Which Organic Product Is Best For Spraying Fruit Trees?

Which organic product is best for spraying fruit trees? - organic fruit trees

We have 14 fruit trees, and this year we have sprayed with cooking spray Bio. A pear tree (maybe 8 years) has black leaves and does not seem able to stop the spread. Is it necessary to go higher?

1 comment:

Ohiorgan... said...

In general, the use of dormant oil in spring Lime Sulpher attacks by fungi. It sounds as if fire blight, which is incurable. take a sample of the disease to your extension agent of the county and ask them to recommend ID'ed correctly (which is not likely to recommend organic forms of address)

Rodale's Garden Problem Solver book has an excellent section on the fumigation of organic fruit trees

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