Sunday, January 10, 2010

Grief And Depression Do You Think That People Get Depression And Grief Mixed Up Often?

Do you think that people get depression and grief mixed up often? - grief and depression



Michelle H said...

Yes and no. I think if people are aware they are in mourning or know that they are not a history of depression likely to confuse the two. However, many people do not know, understand the signs of pain or depression. You can just sad. You have no idea to be happy, manic, angry, tired, sick, or confusion may be part of depression and sadness. I think it is much more common that people do not realize that something is wrong, because they believe they do not fit their notions of depression or pain.

Anonymous said...

Yes spend that much money pros, I heard him describe the pain and depression ... or saddness ... which are now being traded ....

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