Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saw Virgina Lips AM I Have Yeast Infection ?

AM I have Yeast infection ? - saw virgina lips

First, I want to know what looks like a yeast infection? I do not know why my virgina itch to see when I do a lot of white small (it is a little small ball have seen) in my virgina lips inside and try to clean the water, but came out and saw that nothing in it. I think that could be zero, have a libido. Eczama, and I do not know the cause of itching during eczama or not. My BF plan down on me, and I'm afraid if I have a yeast infection could be achieved on the lips. Please help

1 comment:

Noi Kasahara ;-) said...

What happens to me, but I do not know what it is.

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